Phone: 605-747-2371
Fax: 605-747-2400
2443 Legion Avenue
PO Box 159
Rosebud, SD 57570
Howard D. Valandra
Member at Large Exp. 05/03/2024
Welcome to Tribal Land Enterprise
Tribal Land Enterprise (TLE) launched this website to share information and provide forms and updates for your convenience. As we continue to grow TLE encourages all Tribal Members, Tribal Leaders and organizations to use the TLE website as a technical resource to help you find the answers you need.
The act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat. 984) as amended, as well as the Rosebud Constitution and Charter provide authority for the establishment of this subsidiary organization. The purpose and objective is to affect a plan to remedy the situation of increasing fractionation of ownership interests in allotted lands resulting from probate procedure and to provide a plan to consolidate individual ownership interest in restricted land in furtherance of economic enterprises.
To develop a land management plan for the economic interests of members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. Members who participate in this plan share the preservation and safeguarding of the values in ownership with equities in land. TLE provides a simplified process by which an individual may exchange his landholdings for areas adapted to his ambitions for economic enterprise through the flexible use of certificates of interest in the Tribal Land Enterprise.
Utilizing lands under the control of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe for the development of Economic entrprises within communities on the reservation. An adequate system of keeping records and accounting in connection with the operation and management of this plan. Therefore provide a long term land-buying program which would benefit members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.
Tribal Land Enterprise was adopted
by the Rosebud Sioux Council on April 6, 1943.
We have established our website for all to get an idea of what our organization is about. We will continue to add information for your better convenience. Once again thank you for visiting our website

"A Subordinate Organization of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe"
"Building a strong future for generations to come"